
Creatine For Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/motor Neuron Disease

効果 なし
試験方法 メタ分析法
試験期間 不明
被験者数 386
性別 男女

According to a meta-analysis, 5-10 g/day in persons with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) has failed to alter the degenerative nature of the disease and to exert significant protective effects relative to placebo or control.

Effects Of Creatine Supplementation On Exercise Performance And Muscular Strength In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Preliminary Results
効果 増加
試験方法 コホート法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 28
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+

In patients with probable/definite Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), creatine monohydrate enhanced Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC) significantly at the elbow (53% of subjects) and knee (70% of subjects) after the 1-week loading phase (20 g/day). However, over the 6-month maintenance phase (3 g/day), the rates of decline for both the upper and lower limbs were not statistically different from the rates of decline before treatment, suggesting no longer-term effect.

The study saw many dropouts due to initial diarrhea from the loading phase, but no abnormalities were detected in the kidney or the liver.

A Clinical Trial Of Creatine In ALS
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 85
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+
体型 平均

20g of creatine taken for a five day loading period followed by 5g of creatine monohydrate for the remainder of the six month trial failed to attenuate the rate of musclular power loss seen with ALS any more than placebo, although treatment was well tolerated.

A Randomized Sequential Trial Of Creatine In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 6+ Months
被験者数 175
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+

10 g/day (5 g twice a day) for 16 months, as an adjuvant to riluzole, attenuated the loss rate of muscle strength but not of lung function. Survival was not affected to a significant extent. The treatment was well tolerated.

Creatine Monohydrate In ALS: Effects On Strength, Fatigue, Respiratory Status And ALSFRS
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 6+ Months
被験者数 107
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+

5 g/day for 9 months (following 10 g/day for five days) failed to benefit well-being, functional capacity, lung function, or muscular capacity as assessed by Maximal Voluntary Isometric Contraction (MVIC). The treatment proved safe, however, and the risk of death was nonsignificantly reduced.

No Effect Of Creatine On Respiratory Distress In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 27
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+

In patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), 5 g/day failed to benefit lung function (FEV, maximal capacity, forced vital capacity, etc.). Patients dropped out from the study when they had to go on mechanical ventilation, were unable to make their visits to the clinic due to severe motor deterioration, or died. Out of 14 patients, 9 lasted for 6 months, and only 1 for 9 months.

管理人 :慶應義塾大学の理工学部卒業後、国内外でコンサルティング業務やスタートアップの立ち上げを経験した後、日本に帰国してから健康・医療の情報を収集して発信しています。 趣味:ネットサーフィン、読書(最近かなり減ってますが)、アウトドア(家族と) 毎日メディテーションとジョギング、筋トレ・ストレッチしています。既婚で子供4人(男女女男)です。