Effects Of β-alanine Supplementation On Performance And Body Composition In Collegiate Wrestlers And Football Players


4 g/day improved performance (shuttle run, flexed-arm hang) and body composition.

Beta-alanine And The Hormonal Response To Exercise


4.8 g/day for 30 days failed to alter the hormonal responses to exercise, despite an increase in work volume and power output.

Beta-Alanine Supplementation Augments Muscle Carnosine Content And Attenuates Fatigue During Repeated Isokinetic Contraction Bouts In Trained Sprinters


4.8 g/day for 4 weeks failed to improve 400-m sprint time.

Effects Of β-alanine Supplementation On Exercise Performance: A Meta-analysis


This meta-analysis found good evidence for a median 2.85% increase in muscular endurance during exercises lasting 60-240 s. Benefits decreased over that range and were not significant below.

Important Role Of Muscle Carnosine In Rowing Performance


5 g/day for 7 weeks improved the performance of elite rowers on all-out 2-km time trials.