Effect Of Oral DHEA On Serum Testosterone And Adaptations To Resistance Training In Young Men


DHEA supplementation at 50mg did not influence testosterone levels acutely (despite an increase in androstenedione) and 150mg of DHEA was unable to influence testosterone levels over 6 weeks in young healthy men.

No significant differences were seen in placebo versus DHEA at 150mg in regards to strength gain and lean mass accrual.

Effect Of 1-year Oral Administration Of Dehydroepiandrosterone To 60- To 80-year-old Individuals On Muscle Function And Cross-sectional Area: A Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial


1 year of 50mg daily DHEA in older men and women aged 60-80, and had no influence on body composition nor strength in free-living persons not subject to an exercise protocol.

Supplementation With DHEA: Effect On Muscle Size, Strength, Quality Of Life, And Lipids


DHEA at 50mg daily in menopausal women does not influence muscle mass, libido, sleep quality or well being despite increasing circulating androgen status. Estrone and SHBG were unaffected alongside cortisol. Functional tests failed to show a protective effect of either DHEA or estrogen replacement therapy (active control) and power output (knee flexion) was unaffected. Cholesterol decreased 8%.