N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Inhibits Renal Nitrite And Nitrate Reabsorption In Healthy Subjects And In Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: Risk Of Nitric Oxide (NO) Bioavailability Loss By NAC?


In eight otherwise healthy subjects given a single dose of 600mg NAC with water and measured over the course of the next four hours, it seemed that ingestion of NAC caused an increase in the levels of nitrate and nitrite found in the urine. This effect was maximal 2-3 hours post-ingestion and by four hours appeared to be on a downward trend.

Another group of subjects given intravenous NAC which noted a lesser spike in urinary nitrite found absolutely no changes when measured after 24 hours suggesting an acute effect.

No changes in urinary prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGF2a) were noted.