Low Dose Betaine Supplementation Leads to Immediate and Long Term Lowering of Plasma Homocysteine in Healthy Men and Women


In otherwise healthy humans given 1,500-6,000mg of betaine supplementation daily either acutely or over six weeks, the levels of homocysteine in plasma appear to be reduced with similar potency after a single dose and after six weeks in a dose-dependent manner (12-20%) and the increase in homocysteine after a methionine load is also reduced (16-35%); methoinine in plasma was increased after six weeks with the highest dose only by 60% (fasted state) and 12% (post methionine load).

Low Dose Betaine Supplementation Leads to Immediate and Long Term Lowering of Plasma Homocysteine in Healthy Men and Women


In otherwise healthy humans given 1,500-6,000mg of betaine supplementation daily either acutely or over six weeks, the levels of homocysteine in plasma appear to be reduced with similar potency after a single dose and after six weeks in a dose-dependent manner (12-20%) and the increase in homocysteine after a methionine load is also reduced (16-35%); methoinine in plasma was increased after six weeks with the highest dose only by 60% (fasted state) and 12% (post methionine load).